Friday, September 17, 2010

Where Is my hp printer turn on so I can print an email?

where on earth is it on my toolbar?

Where Is my hp printer turn on so I can print an email?

if you take a apt look at the buttons on your printer one of

them should say on if it does press it,next take alook at your

toolbars should be a pix of a printer click on it,if you dont see

a pix of a printer on your blind,click on file afterwards print,a box

wiil come on the screen when it does press the print inn

it should print your email ok if you'r in email or any other

article your into & want to.print after you get the printer turned on

try printing out you're homepage first to see if the info. i give


The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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