Friday, September 17, 2010

Why are in that section missing when I print a document? This singular happen to the first page .?

This is alike problem I have have before near all my other printers. It prints the ending few rows of the first page of the document I am trying to print but it prints the other pages clearly. I cleaned the printer heads but it didn't back. I would appreciate it if someone could help me out. Thanks.

Why are in that section missing when I print a document? This singular happen to the first page .?

Cleaning the printer head wont help as the print guide is not related to your printing margins / Paper position (Related to print quality, It is the quality newspaper sensors that allow the printer to know the position of the media surrounded by the machine).

Perhaps if you visit the manufacturer website there may be a firmware update that should resolve the issue.

Note: If it have happened beside all the printers you enjoy had next i suggest it could be related to your p.c or the software you are using.

I hope this helps ;)

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