Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What to do for Error 1203 on Dell AIO 924 printer - Says print manager short?

I enjoy the above error message on my Dell AIO 924 printer and I've already tried the 2 fixes it states in the almanac, disconnecting and reconnecting the printer power cable, and reinstalling the ink cartridges. I've done this several times to no avail. Printer is over a year old--sure it's out of warranty. Haven't tried calling Dell yet--not sure it's worth it. Is this fixable?

What to do for Error 1203 on Dell AIO 924 printer - Says print manager short?

This literally refers to a short-circuit in the printer director. I'm pretty sure that the heads are contained by the cartridges, so if you're just re-seating duplicate cartridges over and over, you're not really taking care of the problem. Try replacing them, one by one and cycling the power after respectively one. If, at the end, you still enjoy the problem, you may be out of luck.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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