Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What is wrong beside my HP deskjet 610C?

My HP deskjet 610C is not printing. When I donate the print command from Word or any other program, it first appears in that entity that comes when you click the printer but then it say deleting and it never prints. But it can print the exam page. Also if I press the form feed button for a short time while it prints the test page automatically. I'm using the printer on my hp laptop on window xp.

What is wrong beside my HP deskjet 610C?

Unplug the USB cable and plug it in another port - This will force window to install the driver on that port.

Worst comes to worst try this

1] Unplug the printer from your computer

2 Press WindowsKey+R type control and press enter

2] Open Printers and Faxes

3] Delete all the down printers

4] Plug in the printer (Will force it to be installed)

5] Right click and set as non-attendance printer (f it is not)

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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